Terms and conditions of use of the ZEN-WEB.DESIGN site

Visiting the ZEN-WEB.DESIGN site, interacting with it and any other action that involves the involvement of the site or applications, the domains of its subdomains is the acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, do not access this site.

Description of servicesThe ZEN-WEB.DESIGN website provides you with all the information on this website for information purposes, without guaranteeing its accuracy at any given time. We will try to update the site each time we change certain information. If it has not been updated and the information provided is inaccurate, we will not be held liable.

Demand and contracting for the purpose of providing servicesThe request for services can be made through the contact form on the site or by contacting the Zen Web Design administrator by any written or telephone means.

Zen Web Design works under the 100% guarantee policy regarding the provision of services. Upon delivery of a service, the Beneficiary has the right to refuse this service in the final version, within 5 days, the Provider being obliged to return in full the amount of money paid by the Beneficiary.
Also, the 2 parties are obliged to comply with their obligations under the contract and have the rights provided in the service contract, negotiated by both parties.

Zen Web Design cannot be held liable in any way for any loss or damage that someone may suffer as a result of using in any way the information presented on this website. We do not encourage the use of information other than informational, given that it is protected by copyright.
Any user who visits and uses the content of this site for their own purposes, does so at their own risk.

We are also not responsible for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the misinterpretation of any information transmitted by the Beneficiary to the Provider.

Any visitor to the site has the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information and provisions established by interacting with this site (or the information in the negotiated contract).
All information on this website is protected by copyright, being confidential and subject to the non-compete clause (unfair competition) and the criminal clauses stipulated in the negotiation of a contract.

Revisions to the terms and conditions
The owner of the Zen Web Design site may revise his information on the site at any time, without prior notice to users, and users are obliged to accept these changes and take note of them.
To make sure you’re aware of the new terms, visit the terms and conditions page frequently, as well as the privacy policy page.

Applicable law and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use are under the jurisdiction of the laws of Romania. Thus, the competent courts in Romania will have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes that may arise between the parties due to or in connection with the provisions of the Conditions of Use and / or the content of the site.